Logo of Student Leader Conference

Meet The Speakers

Mark has served with Decision Point since its earliest days. Having helped build the mission in LA, he moved his family in 2013 to Chicago to launch the ministry in the Midwest. In 2016, he became Decision Point’s 2nd president. With a belief in the power of the gospel and the potential of teenagers, Mark will call us to embrace the high call of Christ on our lives today. 
Having made it through high school without ever hearing the gospel, Pastor Ryan is passionate about every student hearing the gospel before they graduate. Now a pastor and apologetics guru, Ryan will equip you to give an answer for the hope we have.
Being one of the very first Decision Point Student Leaders, DJ saw God do big things as he shared gospel with hundreds of students in high school. Now a church planter in LA, DJ will challenge you to trust God even if you don’t feel qualified.
Growing up in South Central Los Angeles, Monique saw racial unrest and injustice up close and personal. She’s also seen ways the narrative surrounding racial issues can distort the truth and sow division. Monique will help you make sense of these issues by looking at God’s Word for true Biblical unity.
Brad’s vision to see student-led outreach events at high schools everywhere helped shape the mission of Decision Point. Today, Brad’s team at Pacific Justice Institute is proud to support Decision Point Student Leaders everywhere. By providing free legal tool, counsel, and friendly letters to principals reminding them of students’ rights, Brad’s work enables campus outreach coast to coast.

Christopher Yuan

Dr. Christopher Yuan taught at Moody Bible Institute and his speaking ministry on faith and sexuality has reached five continents. He has co-authored with his mother their memoir, Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son’s Journey to God, A Broken Mother’s Search for Hope. Christopher will share from his personal experience as he equips us to stand on the truths of God’s Word as we bring the gospel to everyone around us.
Andi has a heart that beats for teenagers, especially those who are lost, broken and hurting and who are facing life’s challenges without the hope of Jesus Christ. Having served as a youth and associate pastor for over 13 years, Andi now serves on Decision Point Staff to equip churches and students in the Colorado Springs Area.